March 2019 |
“The Evolution of the Sinophone Tibetan Buddhist milieu in contemporary China.”
INALCO International Conference of the Metamorphosis of Buddhism in New Era China, Paris.
March 2019 |
“A Technology of Inclusion: Treasure Revelation in the Post-Mao Spread of Tibetan Buddhism among Han Chinese Audiences.”
Interdisciplinary Treasure Seminar Series
Wolfson College, University of Oxford
November 2017 |
“The Larung Sinophone textual community: educating Chinese lay newcomers to Tibetan Buddhism.”
American Academy of Religion (AAR), Annual Conference, Boston
Panel: Voices from Larung Gar.
April 2017 |
“Disentangling the trope of the ‘Gyabla’ and the moral precariousness of being between Tibet and China.”
Association for Asian Studies (AAS), Annual Conference, Toronto
Panel: Patronage, appropriation and transformation: Han Chinese
encounters with Tibetan Buddhism.
June 2016 |
“Liberating Lives between Tibet and China: the ritual release of animals and the Larung movement.”
Panel: Animals in the religion and culture of the Tibetan Plateau.
International Association for Tibetan Studies (IATS), 14th International Seminar, Bergen.
June 2011 |
“The mutability of internal borders: transition, mobility and urban encounters on the fringes of China’s Tibetan areas.”
CNRS/INALCO International Conference on The Dynamics of China’s Borderlands, 18th–21st Centuries, Paris