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Department of Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies


Academic Staff
Attachment 6_Catherine

HARDIE, Catherine E.

Adjunct Assistant Professor



2012- 2019

DPhil in Anthropology

University of Oxford

Clarendon Scholar

2010- 2012

MPhil in Social Anthropology

University of Oxford

Clarendon Scholar


M.A. in Asian Studies (Chinese Studies)

Graduate Certificate in International Cultural Studies

University of Hawai’i at Mānoa

East West Center Graduate Degree Fellow


Bachelor of Arts/Law (BA/LLB hons)

Diploma of Modern Languages (Chinese)

University of Melbourne


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  • “Khenpo Tsultrim Lodrö’s appeal to contemporary Tibetan religious practitioners to abandon meat and practice non-killing” in Geoffrey Barstow (ed.), The Faults of Meat: Tibetan Buddhist Writings on Vegetarianism, Wisdom Publications, 2019.
  • “Liberating lives”. In Holly Gayley (ed), Voices from Larung Gar: Shaping Tibetan Buddhism for the Twenty-First Century. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 2021, 175-208.
March 2019

“The Evolution of the Sinophone Tibetan Buddhist milieu in contemporary China.”  

INALCO International Conference of the Metamorphosis of Buddhism in New Era China, Paris.

March 2019

“A Technology of Inclusion: Treasure Revelation in the Post-Mao Spread of Tibetan Buddhism among Han Chinese Audiences.”

Interdisciplinary Treasure Seminar Series

Wolfson College, University of Oxford

November 2017 

“The Larung Sinophone textual community: educating Chinese lay newcomers to Tibetan Buddhism.”

American Academy of Religion (AAR), Annual Conference, Boston

Panel: Voices from Larung Gar.

April 2017

“Disentangling the trope of the ‘Gyabla’ and the moral precariousness of being between Tibet and China.”

Association for Asian Studies (AAS), Annual Conference, Toronto

Panel: Patronage, appropriation and transformation: Han Chinese

encounters with Tibetan Buddhism.

June 2016 

“Liberating Lives between Tibet and China: the ritual release of animals and the Larung movement.”

Panel: Animals in the religion and culture of the Tibetan Plateau.

International Association for Tibetan Studies (IATS), 14th International Seminar, Bergen.

June 2011

“The mutability of internal borders: transition, mobility and urban encounters on the fringes of China’s Tibetan areas.”

CNRS/INALCO International Conference on The Dynamics of China’s Borderlands, 18th–21st Centuries, Paris