Academic Qualifications
- 2002: PhD in Translation Studies, HKBU (Thesis: A Polysystemic Study of the Translations of Modernist Fiction in Literary Current Monthly Magazine)
- 1996: MPhil in Comparative Literature, HKU (Thesis: Magic Realism and ‘Root-searching’ in the Works of Mo Yan, Zhaxi Dawa and Han Shaogong)
- 1988: BA in English Studies and Comparative Literature, HKU
Peer-reviewed journal articles/ book chapters (Selected)
Refereed book chapters
Yau Wai-ping (2019) ‘Magic Realism as a Critical Response to the Anthropocene’, Chinese Shock of the Anthropocene: Image, Music and Text in the Age of Climate Change, eds. Kwai-Cheung Lo and Jessica Yeung, Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 109-129.
Yau Wai-ping (2018) ‘Sociolinguistics and Linguistic Variation in Audiovisual Translation’, The Routledge Handbook of Audiovisual Translation, ed. Luis Pérez-González, London: Routledge, 281-295.
Yau Wai-ping (2016) ‘Wong Kar-wai: Auteur and Adapter’, A Companion to Wong Kar-wai, ed. Martha Nochimson, Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, 540-557.
Yau Wai-ping (2014) ‘Translation and Film: Dubbing, Subtitling, Adaptation and Remaking’, A Companion to Translation Studies, Chichester, eds. Sandra Bermann and Catherine Porter West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, 492-503.
Yau Wai-ping (2010) ‘Translating Audiovisual Humour: A Hong Kong Case Study’, Translation, Humour and the Media, ed. Delia Chiaro, London: Continuum, 108-120.
Refereed journal articles
Yau Wai-ping (2016a) ‘Reading Pema Tseden’s films as palimpsests’, Journal of Chinese Cinemas 10(2): 120-134.
Yau Wai-ping (2016b) ‘Revisiting the Systemic Approach to the Study of Film Adaptation as Intersemiotic Translation’, Translation Studies 9(3): 256-267.
邱偉平(2013) ‘《文藝新潮》譯介現代主義詩作的選擇與取向’[A Study of the Translation of Modernist Poetry in Literary Current Monthly Magazine], 《現代中文文學學報》[Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese], 11(1): 75-84.
Yau Wai-ping (2012) ‘Power, Identity and Subtitling in a Diglossic Society’, Meta, 57(3): 564-573.
Yau Wai-ping (2007) ‘Norms, Systems and Ideology: A Case Study’, The Translator, 13(2): 321-39.
Yau Wai-ping (2018), trans. The History of the Adventures of Vivi and Vera, [English translation of the480-page novel ‘天工開物/栩栩如真’by Dung Kai-cheung (董啟章)], Hong Kong: East Slope.
Yau Wai-ping (2007), trans. ‘Tempestas’ [English translation of the chapter ‘Tempestas’ from the novel ‘時間繁史/啞瓷之光’ (Histories of Time) by Dung Kai-cheung(董啟章)], Muse, 11: 60-71.
Yau Wai-ping (2007) trans. ‘Mensis’ [English translation of the chapter ‘Mensis’ from the novel ‘時間繁史/啞瓷之光’ (Histories of Time) by Dung Kai-cheung (董啟章)], Muse, 8: 57-62.
Yau Wai-ping (2004), trans. ‘On Translation—A Letter to Lu Xun’ [English translation of Qu Qiubai’s (瞿秋白) letter to Lu Xun (魯迅), published as ‘論翻譯’], Twentieth-century Chinese Translation Theory: Modes, issues and debates, ed. Leo T H Chan, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 153-7.
Yau Wai-ping (2004), trans. ‘Again On Translation—A Reply to Lu Xun’ [English translation of Qu Qiubai’s (瞿秋白) letter to Lu Xun (魯迅), published as ‘再論翻譯’], Twentieth-century Chinese Translation Theory: Modes, issues and debates, Leo T H Chan, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 162-7.