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Department of Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies


Intercultural Studies

Staff research in the area of Intercultural Studies forms part of the larger Literary Translation and Intercultural Studies cluster.


The Department has a particular interest in minority literatures and cultures, which dovetails closely with the Arts and Social Sciences Faculty's Faculty Niche Research Area (FNRA) subgroup of Minority Studies / Marginalized Population Studies. Research interests include the following:


  • Minority literatures in translation
  • Intercultural reception of Tibetan films and literature 
  • Uyghur cinema
  • Tibetan anthropology and religion
  • Anthropocene Studies


Selected Publications


Catherine Hardie

Hardie, C. (2021) “Liberating lives”. In Holly Gayley (ed), Voices from Larung Gar: Shaping Tibetan Buddhism for the Twenty-First Century. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 175-208.


Hardie, C. (2019) “Khenpo Tsultrim Lodrö’s appeal to contemporary Tibetan religious practitioners to abandon meat and practice non-killing”. In Geoffrey Barstow (ed), The Faults of Meat: Tibetan Buddhist Writings on Vegetarianism. Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publications, 259-310.


Yau Wai-Ping

Yau, W.P. (2019) “Magic realism as a critical response to the Anthropocene”. In Kwai-cheung Lo and Jessica Yeung (eds), The Chinese Shock of the Anthropocene: Image, Music and Text in the Age of Climate Change. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 109-29.


Jessica Yeung

Yeung, J. (2019) “Environment and social justice in Chinese documentaries: Hope or crisis?”. In Kwai-cheung Lo and Jessica Yeung (eds), The Chinese Shock of the Anthropocene: Image, Music and Text in the Age of Climate Change. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 37-55.


Yeung, J. (2019)《香港的第三條道路:莫昭如的安那其民眾戲劇》,香港:手民出版社。


Yeung, J. (2017) Tharlo: Short Story and Film Script by Pema Tseden. A book-length translation and edited volume with co-authored critical introduction by J. Yeung and W.P. Yau (21,000 words). Hong Kong: MCCM Creations and Hong Kong University Museum and Art Gallery.